Awesome SA

Awesome SA motivates South Africans to positively influence the future. The movement was founded in 2007. Awesome SA supports other organisations that are making a difference to the future of South Africa by assisting them to become self-sustainable and to continue to grow.

This advanced eCommerce website is running on the BlueBox CMS. It is responsive and has various content areas that can be updated easily like the supported initiatives, news, books and reading pages. The shop can process orders and is easy to add or edit products. The website also has a few call to actions where people to sign up as Awesome South Africans and receive the Awesome SA newsletter.


Awesome SA

“Thank you Tyron for assisting us in developing and hosting the Awesome SA, Together SA and You’re Awesome websites. We appreciate your willingness over the past 4 years to assist us wherever you could, often times going above and beyond to ensure our success. You have been a reliable support and a valuable member of our team. Your service has been fist class! With deep appreciation, Di Smith and the team from Awesome SA.”